You got CLD tokens and you don’t know how to sell it? Here is a simple guide on how to make it.
How to exchange CDL to BTC in simple steps
To sell your CDL you need to create your offer and give the opportunity to buy those CDL other users. To do this use those simple steps:
- Login to your Coindeal account
- Go to markets view and find CLD/BTC market
- On the left top corner select bookmark “Sell”
- On the top, you see information about how many CDL tokens you have
- In fires row, you need enter price o BTC what you want to sell CDL tokens. Here you have 3 option:
- you can type manually price
- enter one of the available prices on the market
- or use button “LAST” to select price from last realized transaction on the market
- Next field type how many CDL you want to sell
- when you push button “MAX” you adding to transaction all your available CDL tokens on your wallet
- The last row shows a summary of estimated prices
- If all is correct you can push button “SELL” to open transaction. Now you need to wait to somebody buys CDL from you