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📽 Video Timeline:
- 00:00 Intro
- 00:35 Where I can get for free Ethereum or another cryptocurrency?
- 03:24 Q&A
- 03:27 Outro
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Join to this app now and get your 🔥 FREE BONUS $200 🔥
⚠️ This promotion is available to 31 Jan 2022 ⚠️
👉 To GET this bonus use invitation code: M2H7RR
👉or this link:
SocialGood application give you opportunity to make purchases for FREE or almost for FREE.
How it work? On this platform is avaiable over 1800 shops where you can make orders and get back those money in cryptocurrency cashback. You cand find shops with diffrent cashback size like: 1%, 50% and what is most interesting 100% cashback.
In what stores you can make orders with cashback?
Below list of a few example available stores in this app and size of cashback:
*Size of cashback and name of available store for Polish account on day 17 Jan 2022
Company prepared promotion for new customer of SocialGood application who create account from referral link and make on purchases for minimum $30. People who made it, they receive $200 in SG cryptocurrency.
⚠️ This promotion is available to 31 Jan 2022 ⚠️
👉 To GET this bonus use invitation code: M2H7RR
👉or this link:
To receive $200 bonus from SocialGood application you need a few simple steps:
*We recommend $40 because tax, fee, shipping and etc are not included into amount (minimum $30) only net value of product and to be sure you bought something that will be qualify make a order for a little higer amount
To be qualification to get $200 bonus for FREE you need make order for minimum $30 (not include tax, free, shipping and etc.).
Like I wrote above we recommend make purchase for minimum $40 (for safety).
When you made this order you have 2 place to check are you quafificated to got this bonus:
First Place
Go to your app and select this man icon:
Next choose option “Shopping History”
Select your SocialGood bonus row and click on this row
If your order is qualification you should see this banner with information about qualification to receive bonus:
Second Place
Second place where you can check amount of your order to check if is qualification is “Membership Rank”.
Push shield icon from top menu.
And here you will be see amount of your order without fee, tax, shipping and etc.
Are you interested to see how I earned free 88 CDL tokens in 5 days? Here is my summary of earning for a vote for cryptocurrency on the Coindeal market.
▶ Video “Vote and earn free CDL tokens! (25th edition)”:
▶ Coindeal Market: