If you thinking to travel the word and earn money on traveling I have for you a few tips how you can earning money on travels.
Without prolonging, let’s move on to my suggestions on how to earn money on travels.
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- Airbnb (Get up to $67 off your first trip )
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19 tips how to earn money on travel
Tip 1: Create blog
Traveling the world you collect a lot of knowledge about travel and good content like photos, videos etc.
You can use this like your sources to earn money!
So first and good place to start earn money is create your own blog and create you basic personal brand buying you own domain.
This will be your best place to storage you all knowledge what you have about travel and all content what you create.
From this place we can start with sources to earn money on travel.
Tip 2: Google Adsense
If you have you own blog and you wrote there some articles, posts – you can start apply to Google Adsense program – this program allow you add ads on you blog.
Tip 3: Sponsored articles on the blog
Next option is sponsored articles on the blog it is one of the common option to earn money on the blog. Here you can earn from a few dollars to a couple thousand dollars all is dependence how popular you are, how good content is on you blog and off course budged what has company what wan to collaborate with you.
There is more requirements but this are most common to start collaborate.
Do not forgot create on you blog some contact page to those companies can contact with you 🙂
Tip 4: Review of gear
On your blog you can make review of the gear. Most of this collaboration are not paid but you can get this gear/device for free and if you don’t use it you can sell it or use to create competition for you fan and put it like some prize if someone win.
Sometime this collaboration is paid and company payyou for it but mostly it is barter exchange.
In this place you can connect this erning option with some Affilate progrem ( if agreement not exclude it) and earn money for selling this product. For example if you make review some camera you can put affiliate link to Amazon.
Do not forgot you get paid too on Ads on this post if you have configured ads what I spoke on the beginging.
Tip 5: Affiliate program
Affiliate program is next good option to earn money on the travel. You do not need make agreements with company to prepare some review.
If you have some gear what you use you can prepare some articles and put into this article some affiliate link to program where you subscribers can buy this product.
But this is not only one way to use Affilate Program, you can for example make review place where you are for example some accommodation and get free credit for next accommodation. Good example of this page is AirBnb.
Another example are some software what you use and if they have Affiliate Program you can join to this program and earn money for each person what join to this program/software.
Tip 6: YouTube
Next option is create YouTube channel where you will be make video blog from your journey and if you achieve 1000 subscribers and 4000 what hours you can join to the AdSense program to start monetize your videos.
When you create video sometime you can get some offer to use your videos in some production (they can pay you for licence to you videos) – so this is good place to promote your video content.
You can also use this videos to transfer traffic form YouTube channel to your blog/store etc. So this platform has potential to use in a few different cases.
Tip 7: Create contest
If you are popular and you started some collaboration with some brands, you can think about create some contest with this brand.
This brand apart funding awards for people who win contest can pay you some money for it.
Tip 8: Paid posts on social media (Facebook, Instagram, twitter etc.)
If you have a valuable account at some social media you can start collaborate with some companies.
For example if some company has some marketing action and want share on you Facebook share some content, you can ask this company to pay you for this share this post/content.
Tip 9: Product placement
Product placement is another way to earn money. In this case we show on our post or video some product or place where you are.
For example you get offer from some hotel to came and make some video in this hotel. You go there and get free accommodation for a few days and in this days you use this accommodation to stay there and make some videos.
Next example is show in yours videos some product not always you need speak about this product. Sometime is enough when this product show on video.
Tip 10: Episode partner
Episode partner is another way to earn money on video.
For example on the beginning of videos you hear something like “Today episode partner is company X” and you show this company logo or you speak a few words about this company.
Tip 11: Patreon
Next populara way is Patronite, this is place where ours subscribers, watchers can support you.
They support you paid you monthly money for you trip and you give them some gift – popular is some postcard from some country where you are.
Tip 12: Brand ambassador
You can stay brand ambassador and company will be able use your face in their marketing content.
Tip 13: Travel presentations
Travel presentations are another way to earn money on travel. You can speak at travel presentations, travel festivals, travel markets.
Earnings and invitations are dependence how popular you are.
Tip 14: Writing books
When you travel you have a lot of experience and interesting stories to write.
So you can write some travel book or some guide books about some place or some book how to build campervan.
You can collaborate with some publishing house or make self-publishing this book – this second way is more difficult but you can earn more from this option.
Tip 15: Online shop
You can create your own online shop where you can sell where you can sell books what you wrote, some souvenirs or gifts for travelers.
Tip 16: Travel consultancy
Travel consultancy is way to earn money by share knowledge what you have from some place where been.
If some person or company write, to help them with something, what you made before and you have knowledge how to make it or how to travel to some place you can estimate you work time and grab for it some money.
Tip 17: Selling photo or video
When you travel you make a lot videos with beautiful landscape or a lot of photos – if this content is good you can start selling it. One of popular place where you can sell this content is:
Tip 18: Sell text for magazines
Next option is writing and selling text for some travels magazine. If you creating good content you can sell it for example to National Geographic Travel or some local travel magazines.
Tip 19: Organization of trips
Last option what I prepared is organizator a trips. A lot of people don’t want go for vacation to hotel, they want some adventure but they afraid prepare this trip it alone. In this place you have opportunity to prepare trip for this persons and you can be they guide on this trip.
Summary how to earn money on travel
Like you see methods to earn money on travel is a lot. This is a few examples where you can start.
I have recommendation for you do not start all in one time, choose one for example making vlogs from you travel and fokus on it. WHen yoou will be ready add another option add it.
Which method you choose on beginning?
Do you have some another way to earn money on travel?
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