How to sell CDL tokens on the Coindeal market?

Coindeal tokens

You got CLD tokens and you don’t know how to sell it? Here is a simple guide on how to make it.

How to sell CDL tokens on the Coindeal market?

How to exchange CDL to BTC in simple steps

To sell your CDL you need to create your offer and give the opportunity to buy those CDL other users. To do this use those simple steps:

  1. Login to your Coindeal account
  2. Go to markets view and find CLD/BTC market
  3. On the left top corner select bookmark “Sell”
    • On the top, you see information about how many CDL tokens you have
  4. In fires row, you need enter price o BTC what you want to sell CDL tokens. Here you have 3 option:
    • you can type manually price
    • enter one of the available prices on the market
    • or use button “LAST” to select price from last realized transaction on the market
  5. Next field type how many CDL you want to sell
    • when you push button “MAX” you adding to transaction all your available CDL tokens on your wallet
  6. The last row shows a summary of estimated prices
  7. If all is correct you can push button “SELL” to open transaction. Now you need to wait to somebody buys CDL from you
How to exchange CDL to BTC in simple steps
How to exchange CDL to BTC in simple steps
How to exchange CDL to BTC in simple steps
How to exchange CDL to BTC in simple steps
How to exchange CDL to BTC in simple steps
How to exchange CDL to BTC in simple steps
How to exchange CDL to BTC in simple steps
How to exchange CDL to BTC in simple steps
How to exchange CDL to BTC in simple steps
How to exchange CDL to BTC in simple steps
How to exchange CDL to BTC in simple steps
How to exchange CDL to BTC in simple steps
How to exchange CDL to BTC in simple steps

Ending support Monero cryptocurrency on Bitbay!

BitBay logo

The cryptocurrency market “Bitbay” announcing about the end of market trading support for Monero (XMR) will take place on 19.02.2020.

At the end of transaction support, XMR orders (buy / sell) requested before the end of the transaction will be canceled.

On 29.11.2019 we will end accepting deposits in XMR. All Monero holders are asked to withdraw by 20.05.2020 at the latest. In addition, due to the XMR network fork taking place on 30.11.2019, XMR withdrawals will be blocked from 29.11.2019 to around 5.12.2019.

Timeline for end of transaction support

  • 29.11.2019 – End of XMR deposits support and XMR withdrawals for the time of the XMR network
  • 19.02.2020 – End of trading XMR support and orders cancelation.
  • 20.05.2020 – Deadline for XMR withdrawals

The CDL market started!

Coindeal logo

12 November 2019 started the CDL market and now we can trade our CDL on the Coindeal market.

A the moment you can trade in BTC/CDL pair.

Free CDL cryptocurrency

Like I wrote in some of the last posts on Coindeal you could get free CDL tokens (this was promotion before they ran CDL market).

This day I got 100 CDL for free.

If I would to sell it today (14 Nov 2019) I will earn on it 0,00068700 BTC what gives me 5,95 USD. Someone can tell me it only 6 USD but what happened if the price of CDL grows?

Bonus from Coindeal – free next CDL tokens

I got an email from Coindeal informed me they split all tokens what left from the pool what they prepared to give users and I got next extra CDL tokens!

So now I have 514 CDL tokens for free.

Let’s make a calculate how much it is worth in total: 0,00354660 BTC what gives me 30,72 USD – better? I think too 🙂 It is for free and if the company will grow the price of CDL tokens will grow too.

Additional benefit possessing CDL tokens on Coindeal market

You can lower the commission amount to 0%. If you have 150 000 CDL tokens your marker fee is 0%.


  • Korea South 44,33%
  • Poland 11,08%
  • Vietnam 9,64%
  • China 8,79%
  • Spain 3,45%
  • United Kingdom 1,77%
  • Taiwan 1,58%
  • Netherlands 1,56%
  • Indonesia 1,50%
  • Germany 1,45%
  • Rest countries 14,85%

Coindeal removing BTK cryptocurrency!

Coindeal logo

On the Coindeal page, we can read information about removing BTK from the Coindeal market.

If you have any BTK sources you should payout this cryptocurrency before 15 November 2019.

Swap Bitcoin Turbo Koin

Bitcoin Turbo Koin will be doing a Swap and launch new Blockchain and Wallets.

Lates Swap-date – November 15, 00:00 CET, 2019

Swap Partners:

  • cointrade
  • stex
  • crex24
  • finexbox

More information about closing the BTK market on the Coindeal page.