The owner of CoinDeal market send information about changes underlying blockchain architecture on which the CDL is supposed to function.
They will be switching from EOS to Ethereum, creating a hybrid ERC20 / ERC223 token.
If you got your free CLD what I described in one of prev posts – you should know no additional action is required in this change and all users that have already claimed CDL tokens via Coindeal will have their tokens seamlessly converted to the new Ethereum based tokens.
Be creative to win the new CryptoTab contest! Draw, sculpt, cut out of wood, carve out of metal, assemble from a construction set, trample on a field — simply put, in any way depict the CryptoTab Browser icon — double “C” in the circle.
Take a photo of your work and post on Instagram — and get a prize!
There is a couple of ways how to win a prize and you do need expensive equipment.
$1500 USD – The largest logo
Boxes, tires, cars or even people — compose CryptoTab icon from whatever is available. The only requirement: logo must be LARGER! The larger the work — the higher your chances of winning.
$800 USD – The most creative photo
The most unusual, original, crazy works are appreciated here. Come up with a fresh, non-standard idea, surprise and impress us! That’s the way to conquer this nomination.
$500 USD – The most stylish photo
Everything starts with an idea, but at the end of the day, it’s all about execution. Demonstrate designer’s approach, make your post look truly stylish and aesthetic! Your great taste will be appreciated, we promise.
$300 USD – The cutest photo
In this category, the winner is the one who’ll be able to touch and melt our hearts. Take a photo that makes a soul as warm and cozy as a grandma’s sweater. Hint: two cats curled up in a basket look like…
3 additional prizes
$100 – The most creative post description
$100 – The most interesting story in the post
$100 – The most touching description
Attention! Additional prizes can only be awarded for posts in English.
If you want to know how to earn money on a blog, so you come in the right place. You find here information about how it works.
This is the first article from this series.
First, what do you need to know!
First, what do you need to know is what earning model working.
Content -> Traffic -> Monetization
Basic of every blog is publish content if you have empty blog nobody will want to see your blog and nobody will want to buy ads on your page. So you need to start to create content to go to forward.
The second thing is the traffic. If you have content and this content has value for people they start reading and sharing your articles giving you better traffic on your page.
Most of your traffic will be coming from:
search engines
social sources (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Monetization your traffic – is one the last step because here your traffic is changed in money.
How to change traffic to money? There are many ways – we will describe a few.
Remember not always described by us methods will be work with your blog – implement one method on your blog and test it. If this method doesn’t work remove it and implement another, if this method working you can leave in on your page.
You can always implement more than one method on the page but remember to not overdo it because you will lose your readers.
What is AdSense and how to earn money with AdSense?
Adsense is a system prepared by Google to connect Advertisers and Publishers.
In this program you need only put the code on your page and Google will find for you persons who want to pay for ads on your page.
Basic model earns money in this system is CPM and CPP.
CPM – Cost Per Mille.
CPC – Cost Per Click.
How to create an account in Google Adsense?
Go to Adsense page and click the button “Get started”.
Google Adsense – how to create account?
Supplement all required fields in the signup form.
How to implement Google Adsense code on page?
When we have created an account we can configure auto ads for our blog.
Login to your Google AdSense account
Go to Ads -> Auto Ads
Click button “Setup Auto Ads”
Google Adsense – how to configure auto ads?
Copy and paste this code in between the tags of your site. It’s the same code for all your pages. You don’t need to change it even if you change your global settings.
Google Adsense – how to configure auto ads?
To paste this in your blog you don’t need special programming skills. You can use a plugin to do this by you.
For this case, we will recommend you plugin called “Insert Headers and Footers” witch giving you option to paste code between TAG.
How to install plugin “Insert Headers and Footers”?
When you install and activate the plugin, you need to go to the Settings -> Insert Headers and Footers. Your code from AdSense paste to top texture called “Scripts in Header”. Don’t forgot click “Save” button.
How to install plugin “Insert Headers and Footers”?
Now you need back to Adsense page and finish the configuration and specifically select what types of ads you want to be displayed on your blog page.
Google Adsense – how to configure auto ads?Google Adsense – how to configure auto ads?
Finish. Your ads now will be automatically displayed on your blog page.
How to pay out money from Google Adsense?
First, you need to login to your Adsense account and go to the section “Payments” and add you payments method.
How to pay out money from Google Adsense?
Now, when you reach the minimum threshold for withdrawal, your money will be paid to the account you provided in the payment settings.